NFL: Saints – The first “cut” is the deepest
By JT Toler

It’s time to get out your calculators, the Saints roster only has 75 slots as of 4 pm Tuesday, this means parting ways with players, some of whom have been a part of this team for several seasons. Sometimes when you get to the end you start to think about the beginning, perhaps about how Victor Butler was primed to be a starter for Rob Ryan’s new look defense during OTA’s in 2013, but then tumbled down the depth chart after the emergence of Junior Galette. It is Galette not Butler that has emerged as the pass rushing phenom. Butler was released during the first round of cuts on Tuesday, the cut was legitimized by Butler missing all of 2013 season with an ACL tear.
“You go out and sign a player like him, and you have a role that you envision,” Coach Sean Payton said.
“These are guys who are Super Bowl champions, Pro Bowls at one point. These are great teammates. These are great football players.” -Victor Butler
Butler had gotten himself back into football shape, and was ready to start the season as a big contributor, but he was again sidelined by an injured, his ankle this time. He missed a couple of significant weeks during training camp, this would have been valuable time to prove to the saints coaching staff that he was to be ready to preform up to the potential that was first seen in him when he came over from the Cowboys in 2012. The Saints sought out Parys Harrilson last season as insurance and depth at the linebacker position, and he has proven to be a worthwhile commodity for the black and gold. So while the guard at linebacker becomes more concrete this seasons Saints football team is beginning to take form, and even the most casual of fan would be hard pressed not to have even a little bit of excitement about the upcoming season. One thing that the Who Dat Nation remembers Butler for was not done on the field, well football field at least. During Drew Brees annual softball game held at Zephyr Field Butler was asked about the Saints defense.
“Yeah, they were the worst defense (in 2012), but you look at the players, we don’t have the worst defensive players,” Butler said. “These are guys who are Super Bowl champions, Pro Bowls at one point. These are great teammates. These are great football players.”